Famous Amos 大促销:2包80g cookies只需RM10

喜欢Famous Amos饼干的朋友看过来!为你介绍Famous Amos最新好康促销优惠,可以考虑去购买啦!

从即日起至5月1日,只要购买2包80g 的cookies,只需RM10,也就是每包只需RM5。2包的原价是RM17,而现在你将可以节省高达7块钱。

不过,你想要Like  Famous Amos 的Facebook page,然后向店员展示以下的照片和Post。

Rejoice cookiezen! Be ready to be rewarded. It's Labour Day celebration, grab yourself some crunchy-licious cookies treat from us as it is now RM10.00 ONLY for 2 packets of 80g cookies (standard cookies flavour of your choice).

- Just LIKE Famous Amos Facebook page and FLASH post to enjoy.

- Valid from 24th April to 1st May 2017, 12pm - 6pm.

- Limited to two (2) sets per customer.

- Terms & Conditions apply.
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