即日起可在TNG eWallet缴纳TNB电费单!还能享有5令吉折扣

各位TNB国能用户看过来!如今用户可以轻松通过Touch n Go eWallet电子钱包内,来缴纳TNB每月的电费单。

而TNG eWallet 也推出了促销优惠,用户只需在APP内缴纳TNB账单至少80令吉以上,将可以获得5令吉的现金回扣。



TNG eWallet的用户即日起可以打开你的APP,在首页看到账单缴费的功能,点击以及选择缴付账单。然后选择TNB,输入你的TNB账户号码以及金额就能缴付了。

Terms and Conditions

~Promotion period is from 13 November 2021 until 31 December 2021.

~Pay your TNB electricity using ‘Bills’ function in TNG ewallet app, with a minimum of RM80 in a single transaction and get RM5 cashback credited into your Touch ‘n Go eWallet.

~The RM5 cashback is limited to the first 30,000 transactions throughout the promotion period. The promotion will cease once all cashback transactions have been fully utilized or at the expiration of the promotion period, whichever is earlier.

~Each Touch ‘n Go eWallet user is only entitled to receive ONE (1) RM5 cashback from this promotion throughout the promotion period.

~The cashback will be credited back to the respective Touch ‘n Go eWallet within three (3) working days (Monday till Friday, excluding Malaysia public holidays) after the transaction is made.

~Promotion is not valid with any other vouchers, promotions and/or offers.


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