TGV Cinemas 电影票一律只需RM10

对于喜欢看电影的朋友来说,每月花在电影院上的开支,也算是一个额外的负担呢。而如今为各位喜欢看电影的民众带来好消息,TGV 推出了常年优惠,电影票只需RM10呢!

这项促销从2019年9月1日开始推出,直到2020年9月1日,为其一年。在这一年期间,只要使用Touch n Go的电子钱包Touch ‘n Go eWallet来付款,就能以RM10的价格购买TGV 的一张电影票。

不过这项促销仅限于在TGV 电影院柜台购买的电影票罢了,不适用于上网购买。去到附近的TGV 分行柜台,选择你要看的电影后,使用Touch ‘n Go eWallet的Pay功能来付款,就能获得这项优惠啦!

Terms & Conditions for All-Day RM10

~Applicable for movie ticket, all-day-long, any movie, any time, daily.

~Applicable for Classic / Deluxe seats, in Standard / Deluxe hall.

~Applicable for Twin seats, the amount is double the stated discounted price.

~Limited to 2 tickets per transaction.

~Valid with purchase via payment mode of Touch ‘n Go eWallet at Ticket Counter only.

~Valid for all TGV Cinemas locations nationwide.

~Not valid for 3D-X, Beanie, LUXE, IMAX®, Indulge, Samsung ONYX or any other specialty halls.

~Not valid for Special Screenings, Concerts and Events.

~Not valid with any other on-going promotions and offers.

不仅如此哦,若你和爱人或者朋友一起去看电影的话,也可以选择购买电影票加爆米花的配套,2张的电影票加上爆米花Popcorn Combo的价格只需RM25呢!不过这项促销仅限于每逢星期二罢了,而且记得也必须使用Touch ‘n Go eWallet来付款啦!

Terms & Conditions for Tuesdays Promo RM25

~Applicable for movie ticket on every Tuesday, all-day-long for any movie, any time.

~Valid with purchase via payment mode of Touch ‘n Go eWallet at Ticket Counter only.

~Limited to 1 x RM25 Tuesday Combo per transaction.

~Popcorn Combo must be redeemed on the same day or before movie show time date (for advance purchases).

~Valid for all TGV Cinemas locations nationwide.

~Not valid for 3D-X, Beanie, LUXE, IMAX®, Indulge, Samsung ONYX or any other specialty halls.

~Not valid for Special Screenings, Concerts and Events.

~Not valid with any other on-going promotions and offers.
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