
Touch n Go 公司推出了促销优惠,提供一个月甚至1年的免费过路费!民众只需使用PayDirect或RFID缴纳过路费,就有机会赢取这些奖品。

Touch n Go 公司从2019年7月1日开始至31日之间推出了这项促销活动,民众只需在这期间透过PayDirect或者RFID来使用TNG eWallet缴纳过路费,就能自动的参加这项活动。

每次使用PayDirect或者RFID来缴纳过路费时,都可以获得1次的参加机会。Touch n Go 的这项活动分为1 Year Free Toll和1 Month Free Toll优惠。其中1 Month Free Toll是每个星期挑选出100个幸运儿,这些幸运儿将可以享有价值200令吉的现金奖励,奖金将存入获奖者的TNG eWallet 户口里。一共4个星期,所以有400个受惠者。

至于1 Year Free Toll,则是在这个7月份里,仅限10个大奖幸运儿,每人将可以享有价值RM2500的现金奖励,奖金将存入获奖者的TNG eWallet 户口里。

Promotion Criteria

- Valid from 1st July 2019 to 31th July 2019.

- 10 ENTRIES when you add a Touch ‘n Go Card into TNG eWallet for the first time.

- 1 ENTRY every time you pay tolls using the PayDirect / RFID feature in TNG eWallet.

Winners will be selected from a random draw of the total entries received. The more entries you have, the higher your chance of winning!Eligible Users will stand a chance to win only one (1) Prize* from the following:

- Weekly Prize : 1 Month Free Toll = Cash prize worth RM200 credited into TNG eWallet or;

- Grand Prize : 1 Year Free Toll = Cash prize worth RM2,500 credited into TNG eWallet

*Winners will be excluded from subsequent random draw.
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