Starbucks 饮料只需RM0.20


这项促销是配合Starbucks Malaysia欢庆20周年庆,因此特别在2018年12月20日当天的5PM至8PM之间,推出这项促销优惠,在你购买Starbucks Frappuccino饮料之后,就能以RM0.20的价格再购买一杯的Frappuccino饮料咯!

Starbucks Malaysia is offering special deal. Here’s to 20 years of brewing moments together. Enjoy RM0.20 on your next Frappuccino with purchase of any Frappuccino. This offer is valid on 20 December 2018 (5pm – 8pm). Terms and conditions apply. Applicable at all Starbucks stores in Malaysia except Genting Highland stores and Sunway Lagoon kiosk.

Terms and conditions

- RM0.20 promotion applies to Frappuccino blended beverage that is equal or lesser value than the purchased Frappuccino blended beverage.

- No reward entitlement for purchased beverages.

- Not valid with other discounts or promotions.

- Modifier will be charged accordingly.

- Applicable at all Starbucks stores in Malaysia except Genting Highland stores and Sunway Lagoon kiosk.
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