Starbucks 推出限量版Mini Block


喜欢收集各种Mini Block微型积木的朋友看过来!因为马来西亚的星巴克Starbucks 从今日起推出了限量版的车道型门市的积木(LIMITED EDITION Drive-Thru Cafe Mini Block)!

这项促销从即日起开始,先到先得,售完为止。想要获得这个LIMITED EDITION Drive-Thru Cafe Mini Block的人士,首先必须去到星巴克Drive-Thru购买一杯Venti sized的夏季饮料(Summer beverages),以后就能以RM19的价格购买一个LIMITED EDITION Drive-Thru Cafe Mini Block积木模型啦!

Heading to our Drive-Thru stores for a cup of our new Summer beverages? Then purchase a Venti sized beverage and get our LIMITED EDITION Drive-Thru Cafe Mini Block at only RM19! A great addition to your collection. ;)

Terms and conditions

•Valid at all Starbucks Drive-Thru stores in Malaysia.

•Not valid with other discounts or promotions.

•While stocks last.
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