myBurgerLab Buy 1 Free 1(3月15日-22日)

2017年的SPM 成绩已经在2018年3月15日放榜啦!这也意味着在去年毕业的中五学生,正式的和你的中学生涯告别了。不知道你是否还满意自己的SPM成绩了?而myBurgerLab配合SPM考试放榜,特别推出了买一送一的促销优惠!

不过这项促销仅限于SPM的毕业生,毕业生们可以从3月15日开始至22日,携带你的身份证以及SPM考试成绩的slip,去到附近的myBurgerLab,购买一份的single-patty burger (ala),就能获得另外一份免费的single-patty burger (ala)啦!

SPM 2017 peeps, judgement day is upon you. All the stress from studying and the sleep you've been missing all culminate in that one piece of paper you will soon receieve. But is this the end of the line? Do these results really determine the measure of your awesomeness? No. (We know for a fact one of our founders didn't do so well himself, but look where they are now .Will this result slip entitle you to a Buy 1 Free 1 Promo at myBurgerLab? YES. 

So swing by soon aite, and bring along that result slip of yours, and a friend, and get your second burger on the house. We hope to seeya soon!


•Promo is valid from 15th March 2018 - 22nd March 2018

•Bring along your IC and your 2017 SPM results slip.

•Purchase 1 single-patty burger (ala), to get another single-patty burger (ala) on the house (of equal or lesser value)

•Promo doesn't stack with any existing or ongoing promotions

•Only one redemption per result slip per day.
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