之前有一位网民投诉,基于自己的普通银行的储蓄户口(saving account)每个月有太多的交易往来,因此被银行盯上,进而被强制性的关闭相关的银行户口。很多人听到这个消息之后,也感到有些不安,因此自己的银行户口也有很多的来往交易,例如经常购物、网购等等,害怕自己的银行户口也被对付。不过其实民众也不必太过担心,因为根据了解,只有在你的银行户口每月超过指定次数的交易之后,才会被对付。
对此LC 资讯网小编特别联系了Maybank 银行,并对此作出查询。结果Maybank当局的回应是,只有在指定的期限内交易超过120次的话,才有可能将被暂停服务。
若想要使用你的账户进行交易的话,必须等到下一个周期,或者可以去到附近的Maybank 分行,要求进行清除相关的记录,以便你可以继续的使用户口来交易。
无论如何,Maybank 也表示,储蓄户口savings account是给予客户用来储蓄和作为一些普通交易的账户,若用户需要高交易量的户口,可以开设来往户口。
以下是Maybank 当局给予LC 资讯网的回复:
Hi ,we will explain to you. In general, a savings account is a banking account offered to customer for savings and personal purposes i.e. salary crediting. Thus, this type of account is not able to support high volume of account transaction i.e. business purposes.
There is an audit trail limitation for the frequency of account transaction, approximately 120 transactions within 5th to 20th of the month or 21st to the 4th of the next month. Once the audit trail is full, you wouldn't be able to do the subsequent transaction from or into your account.
To continue using your account for a transaction, you need to either wait for the next trail cycle or walk into a nearby Maybank branch counter to clear the full audit trail. For the too high volume transaction, normally it will need few days to totally clear the savings account trail. That's why the transaction need to be done manually at the branch counter.
Alternatively, you may apply to open current account should you require a banking account that can support high transaction volume. You may apply Maybank2U Premier account online via Maybank2U.
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