民众即日起已经可以通过Google Play 或者apple store下载这一款的BigPay。而BigPay将可以享有的好处包括了:
1. 完全控制你的支出,当你消费时将收到详细报告等等
- Full control over your spending - top up from your debit or credit card. Get instant notifications to keep track of your spending with rich information and the option to add receipts.
2. 透明化,没有隐藏收费
- Transparent pricing - no hidden fees and no unnecessary charges.
3. 更方便,例如一起聚餐,但朋友先帮你买单后,可以通过这里直接转账给他
A better social life - avoid messy cash exchanges and IOUs. You can send money to your friends in your contacts list instantly to pay them back for lunch or drinks.
4. 让你完全掌握自己的花费支出,也不怕会花到你银行户口的储蓄
Simplified budget tracking – see where you spend your money with automated categorization of your payments. In addition, the BigPay card is not linked to your bank account and you can’t spend more than what you have.
5. 随时随地访问您的帐户
Freedom – access your account anytime, anywhere. Lost your card? No problem, freeze it instantly right on the app.
6. 全球化,只要接受Mastercard付费的商店都能使用
Universal acceptance – you can use the BigPay card at over 30 million merchants that accept Mastercard® globally.
7. 在AirAsia 的合作商家消费,可累计BIG loyalty points。另外通过这款APP 预订AirAsia 机票将可以豁免手续费。
Benefits on AirAsia, the world’s best low cost airline - through our partnership with AirAsia you get BIG loyalty points every time you spend and zero processing fees when you book a flight.
8. 更安全,可使用指纹或脸部识别
Security – BigPay is a financial institution regulated by Bank Negara with the latest security protocols including fingerprint and facial recognition to verify your identity.
另外,AirAsia 也将不断改进这款APP ,即将推出的功能包括了可以兑换多种货币、以及扫码付款QR payments等等。
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