Sushi King 免费2018会员卡

著名寿司店Sushi King推出了促销优惠,只要购买RM20的Voucher,将可以免费获得2018年的Sushi King Member Card!成为Sushi King 的会员将可以享有Sushi King 的优惠促销,包括了一年多次的Sushi King Bonanza、以及免费Voucher。

更多详情,可以浏览Sushi King 的官方网站,或者向Sushi King 分行的职员询问。

Terms & Conditions:

- This card entitles you to Complimentary Voucher(s) which can be used during your next visit.

- Value of Complimentary Voucher is RM1 to every RM10 nett spent per bill (excluding GST and Service Charge).

- This card entitles you to special privileges and promotions (example: Bonanza).

- Not applicable with any other ongoing promotions, discounts and privileges.

- Please present this card during payment to receive your Complimentary Voucher(s).

- Sushi King reserves the right to change the terms and conditions without prior notice.

Sushi King 每年都会推出多次的Sushi King Bonanza促销,促销期之间会员将可以RM3.18的价格享用一碟寿司。另外只要是Sushi King的会员,每次去到Sushi King 消费RM10将可以获得RM1的Voucher,因此经常去到Sushi King 吃寿司的朋友,一定得拥有一张的Sushi King Member Card啦!
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