马来西亚麦当劳从8月24日开始,正式的推出了D24 榴莲口味的Durian McFlurry。在推出了引起很多民众都纷纷的前去购买和尝试。虽然在推出后,不同的民众都有不同的反应,有些人表示很好吃,而有些顾客则是批评太甜,以及只有化学口味罢了,没有真正的榴莲口味。
你也尝试过这款的D24 Durian McFlurry了吗?若你还没尝试过的话,看来在短时间内是没有机会了。因为大马麦当劳在刚刚才宣布,如今D24 Durian McFlurry已经全部卖完了!也就是说,已经买不到这款的D24 Durian McFlurry啦!
而且麦当劳还表示,在短期内是不会有补货的,所以还没尝试过的朋友,今年内是没有机会啦。不过麦当劳承诺,将在2018年重新的推出这款D24 Durian McFlurry。
Malaysia, you guys are awesome!
Thank you for your overwhelming support for the D24 Durian McFlurry™. Because of everyone's love of Durians, we sold five times more than anticipated.
As the product is made from real D24 Durian fruits, we won’t be able to get any extra stocks this year. However, we promise to bring it back in 2018.
Again, thank you for lovin' the D24 Durian McFlurry™ and we hope you'll continue to enjoy our other desserts such as the Oreo McFlurry™ and Chocolate Sundae.