而Tesco 对此也做出回应,Tesco发文告选择,主动將Tesco牌泰国香米(Tesco Siam Fragrant Rice)下架,直至另行通知为止。Tesco强调,严谨遵守品质管理的標准,並严正看待有关假米的指控。
Tesco也公佈,已將有关產品下架,若消费者有相关问题,可以致电客服热线1300 13 1313查询。
Statement from Tesco Malaysia
Tesco Malaysia has been made aware of news being forwarded on social media, especially on WhatsApp, that a customer has made a police report alleging our product, Tesco Siam Fragrant Rice contained fake rice.
At Tesco, we adhere to the strictest product quality control and standards and view these allegations seriously. To address the allegation, we are working with Ministry of Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism and the Ministry of Health to investigate this matter.
In the meantime, we have taken the initiative to remove the product from our store shelves until further notice. Should any of our customers have any questions regarding this issue, please contact our Customer Helpline number at 1300 13 1313.
而Tesco 对此也做出回应,Tesco发文告选择,主动將Tesco牌泰国香米(Tesco Siam Fragrant Rice)下架,直至另行通知为止。Tesco强调,严谨遵守品质管理的標准,並严正看待有关假米的指控。
Tesco也公佈,已將有关產品下架,若消费者有相关问题,可以致电客服热线1300 13 1313查询。
Statement from Tesco Malaysia
Tesco Malaysia has been made aware of news being forwarded on social media, especially on WhatsApp, that a customer has made a police report alleging our product, Tesco Siam Fragrant Rice contained fake rice.
At Tesco, we adhere to the strictest product quality control and standards and view these allegations seriously. To address the allegation, we are working with Ministry of Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism and the Ministry of Health to investigate this matter.
In the meantime, we have taken the initiative to remove the product from our store shelves until further notice. Should any of our customers have any questions regarding this issue, please contact our Customer Helpline number at 1300 13 1313.