Eco Tropics 梦幻摩天轮主题乐园

独家呈现!Eco Tropics 梦幻摩天轮主题乐园 • 新山全新打卡景点!入场免费!

Eco Tropics 将于2017年3月25日(星期六),举办一场以梦幻摩天轮为主题的嘉年华会,不仅为你带来多达 5 种不同风格的摩天轮设计,现场也将备有一连串精彩活动节目,有街头表演秀、游乐园、美食小吃摊及气球工作坊等,让你与家人朋友共筑美好回忆。

就趁着学校假期带上家人朋友前来拍照打卡,25日傍晚 6 时的摩天轮亮灯仪式与千颗色彩缤纷的气球升空景观也将是你不能错过的重头戏!


At the 4-week Wheels of Joy event, you can have a taste of the happiness that awaits you at Eco Tropics. Come explore our collection of Ferris Wheels with different themes, see street performances, play fun games, enjoy delicious food, participate in workshops and let happiness fill the hearts of yours and your loved ones'. Be sure to witness our Grand Opening tomorrow at 6PM to see us light up our largest Ferris Wheel and cover the sky with thousands of balloons!
Register and download your free express tickets now at 

Eco Tropics 梦幻摩天轮主题乐园
Date: 25 March 2017 (Sat)
Time: 10am - 10pm (Last entry: 9.30PM)
Venue & Waze: EcoWorld Gallery @ Eco Tropics
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