Maybank 向用户们发出诈骗警报!



- 骗子冒充为你的老朋友或Facebook的朋友,要求经济援助。

- 骗子通过冒充为马来西亚国家银行官员来威胁冻结您的银行帐户。

- 骗子假冒为警察官员,如警察或国际刑警组织。

在大多数情况下,骗子会尝试操纵你的情绪,以获得你的信任(例如,玩弄你的同情心或激发恐惧或内疚感)。 因此,Maybank建议您始终注意上述可疑电话。

不要与任何人分享您的个人或银行信息,不要按照未知来电者的指示。 如果你也遇到类似的事件,可以联系Maybank欺诈热线+ 603-5891 4744。

Dear Valued Customers,

We have recently received reports on scams involving the following scenarios:

- A scammer impersonates as an old friend or Facebook friend, asking for financial assistance.

- A scammer threatens to freeze your banking account by impersonating as a Bank Negara Malaysia Officer.

- A scammer impersonates as an authority officer such as Police Officer or Interpol.

In most scenarios, the caller will try to manipulate your emotions in order to gain your trust (e.g. playing with your sense of compassion or inspire fear or guilt). Therefore, we would like to advise you to always be cautious of suspicious calls mentioned above.

DO NOT share your personal or banking information with anyone and DO NOT follow such instructions by unknown callers. To report a fraud, please contact our Fraud Hotline at +603-5891 4744.

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