麦当劳推出欧锦赛玩具:The Happy Football Club

配合在6月份开始的2016法国欧洲足球锦标赛(UEFA EURO 2016),大马麦当劳也推出了欧洲锦标赛的相关玩偶The Happy Football Club!

只要购买麦当劳的儿童套餐Happy Meal,就能获得这些欧锦赛的玩偶啦,每星期将推出2款,一共8款,喜欢的可以去收集哦。

1. Price includes GST and may vary according to restaurant.
2. Promo toys are available while stocks last and McDonald’s reserves the right to replace them without prior notice.
3. Products and promo toys shown are for illustration purposes only.
4. All other terms and conditions apply.

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