


Q: Why do you want to work in this company?
A: I’ve always loved administration because I am an organized person. I like things to be organized and systematic. I work well under stress so I can handle any kind of task with minimal supervision.

Q: Tell us about yourself/ Introduce yourself.

错误答案:My name is Carla. I was born in 22 September 1989 in Sarawak. My mother is a housewife and my father is a teacher. I graduated from UITM in 2013. I studied Business Administration. I have never worked before.

正确答案:My name is Carla and I’m 26 years old. I have a degree in Business Administration. Although I haven’t had any working experience, I’ve spent my free time reading business articles and researching about latest business news just to keep me updated. I’m hoping to be given a chance to experience the real world of business

Q: What did you quit your last job?

错误答案:I quit because my last job was terrible. The workload was so heavy and the boss was so pushy. My previous boss was nightmare

正确答案:I loved my last job. It taught me so many things and my previous boss has always been helpful. But I quit because I want to experience new environment and broaden my horizon by working in a different company

Q: Where do you see yourself in five years?

错误答案:Relaxing in Maldives / Being a boss in this company

正确答案:I hope to become very well-experienced in what I do and have a better understanding of my field

Q: What’s your greatest weakness?
错误答案:I tend to put things to the very last minute.

正确答案:I tend to put things to the very last minute. But I work well under pressure and I personally think that pressure motivates me to work twice as hard and finish my work on time”

Q: What salary are you looking for?

错误答案:I hope to get a suitable salary that would be able to support me, living in this economy and in this big city

正确答案:I hope to get a salary that is suitable with my qualification and job duties. I also want to be considered based on my working experience

Q: Why should I hire you?

错误答案:Because I’m the best candidate  / Because you’re hiring

正确答案:I’m a team player, I work well under pressure, and I’m a people person. I can work with all kinds of people and am always willing to learn new things and tackle new challenges.

以上资讯,仅仅作为参考 ~ 在面试时,还是需要更多的灵活应变~



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