Starbucks 附送饮料造型冰箱贴促销

马来西亚星巴克Starbucks 又推出周边商品啦,这次新推出的是饮料造型的冰箱贴(Starbucks Macchiato Fridge Magnet)

只要从2016年3月15日至4月18日前往星巴克购买3杯促销饮料,即可获得这个冰箱贴Starbucks Macchiato Fridge Magnet。 

条件:先到先得,送完为止、需要购买3被指定的促销饮料、必须使用Starbucks Card来付款。

Terms and conditions:
1. Available from 15th March - 18th April 2016
2. Redeemable while stocks last.
3. Valid with purchase of promotional beverages only.
4. Not exchangeable for cash or other products.
5. Not valid with any other promotion or discount.
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