Sunway Lagoon 票价只需RM50 (星期二特别促销折扣)

Sunway Lagoon 在2016年推出Quack-tastic Tuesday Specials特别促销,在2016年的1月至11月份,每个月将挑选其中一个星期二推出这项促销,民众将可以RM50的价格购买门票。不过这项促销仅限于网上购票,而且每个优惠日期只限于5千张门票。

12 JAN / 16 FEB / 1 MAR / 5 APR / 3 MAY / 14 JUNE / 12 JULY / 2 AUG / 6 SEPT / 4 OCT / 1 NOV

- 只限每次购买最多4张门票
- 只限网上购买
- 每个促销日期只限5000张门票,先到先得,售完为止
- 优惠门票价格:RM50 per admission ticket
- Sunway Lagoon有权更改、取消或添加这些条例或优惠

Quack-tastic Tuesday Terms & Conditions
- Maximum  4 tickets per transaction
- Limited to online purchase only.
- Limited to only 5,000 tickets per promo date.
- Ticket(s) available on a first come, first served basis.
- Ticket(s) purchased are only valid on selected admission date.
- Sunway Lagoon Management reserves the right to refuse, alter, amend, delete or add to the stated terms and conditions or withdraw this promotion at anytime without prior notice.

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