Maybank 3月份开始,调整柜台服务收费


以下列表的收费将在201738日开始施行,多项服务例如报失支票本、要求转账、要求Daily Statement等等,都将征收新的费用。

Important Notice – Revised Service Charges for Over the Counter Transactions

 (Remittance, Stop Cheque, Funds Transfer, Statutory Body Payments & Bills Payment)

Dear Valued Customer,

Please take note of the revised fees for selected transactions made over the counter with effect from 8 March 2017:


Revised Fees
Current Account:
Stop payment on cheque presented with sufficient fund

RM15 per cheque
Replacement or refund of Foreign Demand Draft (FDD) 

RM20 + cost of wire
Banker's Cheque (BC) reported lost
RM20 per cheque
(include stamp duty) 
Request to replace/refund stale Banker's Cheque

RM20 per cheque
Manual fund transfer with written instruction
Transfer locally within branches

RM5 per item 
Request for Daily Statement
RM2 per page
(minimum RM5) 
Statutory Payment:
Payment to EPF, SOCSO & LHDN
MBB - RM2 per transaction
Non MBB - RM4 per transaction
Bill Payments
(Effective 17 April 2017, Maybank branches will only accept payment via debit from accounts for bills payments over the counter)
RM2 per transaction

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